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CRM 4.0 Subscription Adapter


The CRM subscription adapter is designed to support asynchronously modifying data contained in Microsoft CRM 4.0.  


An on-premise Microsoft CRM 4.0 installation (the adapter does not support CRM Online or partner-hosted solutions).


Configure the Domain User

Create a new user for the adapter by following the steps in the topic Create a Domain User.

Create roles in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

The following steps will allow one to create the appropriate security role which can be assigned to the CRM user.

Open CRM with a user having access to creating roles and users in CRM. Then, click on Settings->Administrator->Security Roles.

Configure - User Security

All the security roles will be displayed and one will need to copy the privileges assigned to the System Administrator. Click System Administrator from the roles grid.

Configure - User Security

Click on Action->Copy Role

Configure - User Security

The Copy Role link will open a new link to create the role in CRM. Specify the Role Name & Save and Close the page and shown below.

Configure - User Security

Disable the Customization and Configuration

Configure - User Security

Now you will see the newly created role in CRM’s security roles list.

Configure - User Security

Create User in Microsoft Dynaics CRM 4.0 & Assign Roles

To create a CRM user click Settings->Administrator->Users

Configure - CRM User

After clicking the User link, it will pen the user grid. Click the New button to create a new user.

Configure - CRM User

The new user page will be displayed. Please enter the Domain Logon Name and move the focus off the control. Doing this will cause the details to be retrieved from active directory.

Configure - CRM User

Select the access mode Full, which will give full rights to the newly created user.

Configure - CRM User

Click the Save button which will creat the user. Then, click the Roles link to assign roles to the user.

Configure - CRM User

Select the newly created role and click OK e.g. newly created Subscription Adapter role had been selected.

Configure - CRM User

The assigned role will appear in the Roles section of the user. Save & Close the user. The role will now appear in the user grid as shown below.

Configure - CRM User

The newly created user will appear in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 user grid.

Configure - CRM User

Configure MS CRM Web Service User Credentials

The following are the ways a user credentials can be configured to call CRM Web services.

  • User can run Neuron windows service using CRM user credentials.
  • User can add the CRM user to the Security -> Authentication -> Credentials list.

Open the Neuron ESB Explorer and navigate to Secutiry -> Authentication -> Credentials.

Configure - Security Credentials

Click on the New button to add CRM user credentials. Select Windows Domain from the type list and provide the user name, password, and domain information, then click apply. After this one should save the Neuron configuration.

Configure - Security Credentials

Configure Subscription Adapter Walk Through

Use the Neuron ESB Explorer and navigate to the Connections -> Adapters view. If the CRM Subscription adapter does not already appear in the adapters list, then please click on the New button to add the CRM subscription adapter assembly.

Configure - Adapter Assembly

Select the CRM Subscription adapter from the Adapter Name drop down list, give the adapter an appropriate name, then click the Apply button.

Configure - Adapter

Now, select the Adapter Endpoints item to create an endpoint based on the CRM Subscription adapter that was just created. Click the New button and select the CRM Subscription Adapter from the Adapter drop down list. Set the mode to Subscribe and configure the Party Id which is the party used to receive messages from Neuron.

Configure - Adapter

 Configure the Run As to use the appropriate credentials, which will be used by the adapter when connecting to CRM.

Configure - Adapter

Click on the properties tab to configure the adapter properties that are essential for the adapter to work properly.

Configure - Adapter

Click the apply button, and then save the Neuron configuration.

Note: Neuron ESB Service configured user must have access to the MS CRM to access MS CRM web services.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM lets you create trace files that monitor the actions that are performed by Microsoft CRM. Trace files are helpful when you have to troubleshoot error messages or other issues in Microsoft CRM.

You can create unmanaged trace files and managed trace files. The information in the unmanaged trace files and in the managed trace files is determined by required and optional registry entries that you create manually. You create these registry entries on the Microsoft CRM server or on the computer that is running the Microsoft CRM client for Microsoft Office Outlook after you install Microsoft CRM or the Microsoft CRM client for Outlook.

5. Enable / Disable MS CRM 4. 0 Tracing   

5.1 Required Registry Entries

NameTypeData valueNotes
TraceEnabledDWORDA value of 0 or 1If you use a value of 0, tracing is disabled. If you use a value of 1, tracing is enabled.
TraceDirectoryStringC:\CRMTraceThe TraceDirectory registry entry specifies the directory for the trace log files. The directory must exist, and the user who starts the Microsoft CRMAppPool must have full control over this directory. When you install Microsoft CRM, the default user is NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE.
TraceRefreshDWORDA number between zero and 99When the data is changed, the trace settings in the other trace registry entries are applied.

5.2 Optional Registry Entries

NameTypeData valueNotes
TraceCategoriesString or Multi-StringCategory.Feature:TraceLevelThe TraceCategories registry entry is a combination of a category, a feature, and a trace level. You can specify multiple categories, features, and trace levels. Separate each combination by using a semicolon. For a list of categories, features, and trace levels and for sample combinations that are valid, see the “Trace level values” section.
TraceCallStackDWORDA value of 0 or 1If you use a value of 0, the call stack is not included in the trace file. If you use a value of 1, the call stack is included in the trace file.
TraceFileSizeLimitDWORDA size between 1 and 100 megabytesThe TraceFileSizeLimit registry entry specifies the maximum size of trace files. New files are created when the limit is reached.

If you do not create the optional registry entries, the default data values are used. For more information about the default data values, see the “Default data values for optional registry entries” section. If you create the registry entries but do not specify data values for the registry entries, tracing will not work.

5.3 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 trace log file locations

When you create a trace in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, the TraceDirectory registry key is ignored. For tracing on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 server, the trace log file is created in the following folder:

<Drive>\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Trace

For tracing on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 client for Microsoft Office Outlook and for tracing on Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Data Migration Manager, the trace log file is created in the following folder:

<Drive>\Documents and Settings\InstallingUser\Application Data\Microsoft\MSCRM\Traces

5.4 Registry Entry Locations

The Microsoft CRM server tracing registry entries are located in the following registry sub key:


The Microsoft CRM client for Outlook tracing registry entries are located in the following registry sub key:


The Microsoft CRM Data Migration Manager tracing registry entries are located in the following registry sub key:


5.5 Complete List of Category Values for the TraceCategories Registry Entry

  • Application.*
  • Application.Outlook
  • Exception
  • ObjectModel
  • ParameterFilter
  • Platform.*
  • Platform.ImportExportPublish
  • Platform.Sdk
  • Platform.MetadataPlatform.Sql
  • Platform.Workflow
  • Platform.Soap
  • SchedulingEngine.*
  • Unmanaged.*
  • Unmanaged.Outlook
  • Unmanaged.Platform
  • Unmanaged.Sql

5.6 Trace Level Values

Here is a complete list of valid trace level values for TraceCategories:

  • Off
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Verbose

Note: A message is logged only if the trace level for the category is equal to or greater than the level of the message. For example, a trace level of Warning logs messages that have a level of Warning and of Error. A trace level of Info logs messages that have a level of Info, Warning, and Error. A trace level of Verbose logs all messages. You should only use a trace level of Verbose for short durations.

Sample category and trace level combinations:

*: Verbose 

Logs all messages in all categories.

Application.*: Error

 Logs all messages that have a level of Error for the Application.* category

Platform.*: Warning

 Logs all messages that have a level of Warning or Error for the Platform.* category.

 5.7 Default Data Values for Optional Registry Values

  • TraceCategories.* : Error
  • TraceCallStack:0
  • TraceFileSizeLimit:5

6. Enable Neuron Tracing

Open Neuron ESB Explorer and connect.

Click on Configure Server to configure the trace level for the Neuron ESB Service. Note: All log files are written to the following location:


 The Neuron ESB Service will have to be restarted to apply any changes with the trace level.

Configure - Neuron Trace Level

Supported Modes

The CRM Subscription adapter supports a single mode of communication.


The CRM adapter will listen for datagram command messages on a topic and process the commands asynchronously. The subscribe mode can be used to create, update, and delete records within CRM.


The subscribe mode of the CRM adapter requires the following properties to be configured:  Organization Name, Server Address.

Property Table

Property NameRequiredDescription
Organization NameYesThe name of the organization within CRM to use when processing commands.
Server AddressYesThe server name and port number of the Microsoft CRM 4.0 server that will receive command messages (example: “mycrmserver:80”).


SaveCrmRecord Command

The SaveCrmRecord command allows data to be created and updated within CRM. Individual properties to be saved are passed as name value pairs within the command body.

Sample Message:

    <SaveCrmRecordallowCreate="false" id="contact1" entity="contact"   identityfield="contactid">
      <propertyname="emailaddress1" value="" typename="String" />
      <propertyname="birthdate" value="04/11/1982 12:00:00 AM" typename="CrmDateTime" />
      <propertyname="firstname" value="John" typename="String" />
      <propertyname="lastname" value="Smith" typename="String" />
      <propertyname="donotemail" value="false" typename="CrmBoolean" />
      <propertyname="contactid" value="{80C4BC51-C91E-DE11-B893-0003FF2A866D}" typename="Key" />
      <propertyname="creditlimit" value="10000" typename="CrmMoney" />
      <propertyname="department" value="Neudesic Sales" typename="String" />
allowCreateNoSpecifies whether the specified record should be created if it does not already exist.
entityYesThe type of CRM entity to update.
identityfieldYesThe name of the identity field used by the entity.
idYesA unique name for the command.

DeleteCrmRecord Command

The DeleteCrmRecord command allows data to be deleted from CRM.

Sample Message:

    <DeleteCrmRecordentity="contact" value="{50B5D846-9E14-DE11-B893-0003FF2A866D}" />
entityYesThe type of CRM entity to update.
valueNoThe identifier of the entity to be deleted.
lookupidNoThe identifier of a lookup used to locate the record to be deleted (see DeleteCrmRecord Command with Lookup).

SetCrmState Command

The SetCrmState command allows the state of specific entities in CRM to be updated.

Sample Message:

    <SetCrmStateentity="contact" value="{50B5D846-9E14-DE11-B893-0003FF2A866D}" statuscode="0" statecode="Active"/>
entityYesThe type of CRM entity to update.
valueNoThe identifier of the entity to be deleted.
lookupidNoThe identifier of a lookup used to locate the record to be deleted (see DeleteCrmRecord Command with Lookup).
statuscodeYesSupported values:contractcancelincidentResolvedopportunityWonLostquoteClosedsalesordercancel

SaveCrmRecord Command with Lookup

Lookups can be combined with the SaveCrmRecord command to associate related records with an entity. To use a lookup, insert a Lookup node in the request and use typename “Lookup” and the attribute lookupid in the property XML to reference the lookup element.

Lookup element

idNoSpecifies whether the specified record should be created if it does not already exist.
entityYesThe type of CRM entity to update.
lookupfieldYesThe name of the field to be looked up by the query.

searchfield element

nameYesThe name of the field to compare in the query.
valueYesThe value of the field to compare in the query.
operatorYesThe operator to use for the field comparison. For details on supported operators, see

Sample Message:

      <Lookupid="accountid" entity="account" lookupfield="accountid">
        <searchfieldname="accountid" value="{D04D44AD-36D0-DC11-AA32-0003FF33509E}" operator="equal" />
      <Lookupid="contactid" entity="contact" lookupfield="contactid">
        <searchfieldname="contactid" value="{0820590A-37D0-DC11-AA32-0003FF33509E}" operator="equal" />
    <SaveCrmRecordallowCreate="true" id="account" entity= "account" identityfield= "accountid">
      <propertyname = "accountnumber" value ="101010101010" typename = "String" />
      <propertyname = "address1_city" value ="Irvine" typename = "String" />
      <propertyname = "address1_country" value ="USA" typename = "String" />
      <propertyname = "name" value ="John Smith" typename = "String" />
      <propertyname = "creditlimit" value ="10000" typename = "CrmMoney" />
      <propertyname = "isprivate" value ="True" typename = "CrmBoolean" />
      <propertyname = "industrycode" value ="1" typename = "Picklist" />
      <propertyname = "territorycode" value ="1" typename = "Picklist" />
      <propertyname = "description" value ="Sample Account" typename = "String" />
      <propertyname = "telephone1" value ="100007" typename = "String" />
      <propertyname = "parentaccountid" lookupid ="accountid" typename = "Lookup" />
      <propertyname = "primarycontactid" lookupid ="contactid" typename = "Lookup" />

DeleteCrmRecord Command with Lookup

Lookups can be combined with the DeleteCrmRecord command to query for an entity to delete.

Lookup element

idNoSpecifies whether the specified record should be created if it does not already exist.
entityYesThe type of CRM entity to update.
lookupfieldYesThe name of the field to be looked up by the query.

searchfield element

nameYesThe name of the field to compare in the query.
valueYesThe value of the field to compare in the query.
operatorYesThe operator to use for the field comparison. For details on supported operators, see

Sample Message:

      <Lookupid="accountid1" entity="account" lookupfield="accountid">
        <searchfieldname="accountid" value="{00562C06-A508-DE11-924F-0003FF2A866D}" operator="equal" />
    <DeleteCrmRecordentity="account" lookupid="accountid1" />

SetCrmState Command with Lookup

Lookups can be combined with the SetCrmState event to query for an entity to update.

Lookup element

idNoSpecifies whether the specified record should be created if it does not already exist.
entityYesThe type of CRM entity to update.
lookupfieldYesThe name of the field to be looked up by the query.

searchfield element

nameYesThe name of the field to compare in the query.
valueYesThe value of the field to compare in the query.
operatorYesThe operator to use for the field comparison. For details on supported operators, see

Sample Message:

      <Lookupid="accountid1" entity="account" lookupfield="accountid">
        <searchfieldname="accountid" value="{50882229-7523-DE11-B893-0003FF2A866D}" operator="equal" />
    <SetCrmStateentity="account" lookupid="accountid1" statuscode="0" statecode="Active"/>

SaveCrmRecord with Multi-Valued Properties

CRM party list properties multiple values can be saved by using the multivalueproperty node within the command body. Within the multivalueproperty node, each value can be specified using a propertyvalue node. The multivalueproperty node can only be used with CRM party lists.

Sample Message:

    <SaveCrmRecordallowCreate="true" id="fax" entity= "fax" identityfield= "activityid">
      <propertyname = "subject" value = "Sample Fax" typename = "String" />
      <propertyname = "faxnumber" value = "100007" typename = "String" />
      <propertyname = "actualend" value = "1/1/2009 12:30:00 AM" typename = "CrmDateTime" />
      <propertyname = "scheduledstart" value = "1/1/2009 12:00:00 AM" typename = "CrmDateTime" />
      <propertyname = "scheduledend" value = "1/1/2009 12:30:00 AM" typename = "CrmDateTime" />
      <propertyname = "actualstart" value = "1/1/2009 12:00:00 AM" typename = "CrmDateTime" />
      <propertyname = "description" value = ".....Sample FAX....." typename = "String" />
     <propertyname = "ownerid" value ="{9BF5E0DF-65C1-DC11-B67A-0003FFBB057D}" typename = "Owner" />
      <multivaluepropertytypename="PartyList" name="to">
        <propertyvaluevalue="{0820590A-37D0-DC11-AA32-0003FF33509E}" typename="Lookup" reference="contact" />
      <multivaluepropertytypename="PartyList" name="from">
        <propertyvaluevalue="{D44D44AD-36D0-DC11-AA32-0003FF33509E}" typename="Lookup" reference="account" />

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