Field Mappings between Microsoft Project and NetSuite SRP
When uploading projects to SRP and downloading projects from SRP the following standard and custom Microsoft Project fields are mapped between the two applications.
Project Field Mappings
These fields are set in Microsoft Project by clicking the Project menu item, then Project Information. They are then used when creating or updating a project in NetSuite, or they are set when downloading a project from NetSuite.
Microsoft Project | NetSuite SRP Project |
Project.ProjectStart | Scheduled Start Date (startDate) |
Project.ProjectName | Project Name (companyName) |
Project.Resources1 | Job Resource List |
1 – Each resource listed in your Microsoft Project will be added as a NetSuite Resource. If your NetSuite Account has the Resource Allocations feature enabled, the jobResourceList will be ignored because resources can only be added as Resource Allocations.
Custom Project Field Mappings
These custom fields are used when creating or updating a project in NetSuite, or they are set when downloading a project from NetSuite. The values of these custom fields are set when you set values using the “SRP Project Properties” button in the add-in and should never be modified manually. These text fields are all at the task-level and saved for the project using the “Project Summary Task” (i.e. Task 0 in Microsoft Project).
Microsoft Project | NetSuite SRP Project |
Text25 | Internal NetSuite Project ID (save after a project is uploaded or when a project is downloaded) |
Text26 | Subsidiary |
Text27 | Client (Customer) |
Text28 | Project Name (if this is a “Linked” project) |
Text29 | Project Name (if this is a “Sync’d” project) |
Text30 | Internal Use by the add-in |
Text15 – Text191 | Various |
1 – If you added any additional project properties to be mapped, those are stored in the custom task fields Text15 – Text19 and mapped to the properties selected by you in the dialog.
Task Field Mappings
These task-level Microsoft Project fields (or columns) are mapped to NetSuite SRP Tasks:
Microsoft Project Task | NetSuite SRP Project Task |
Task.Name | Task Name |
Task.Work / 60, rounded to two decimal places1 | Estimated Work |
Task.Duration / 601 | Estimated Work |
Task.PercentWorkComplete2 | Status |
Task.Manual3 | Constraint Type |
Task.ConstraintType4 | Constraint Type |
Task.Assignments5 | Assignees |
Task.Predecessors | Predecessors |
1 – The use of Task.Work or Task.Duration is determined by the setting “Task Work Column”, which can be found by clicking on the NetSuite Properties button and the clicking the NetSuite tab in the upper-left corner of the dialog. The default value is “Work”.
2 – The Percent Work Complete can be used to set the NetSuite SRP Task Status value to either Not Started, In Progress or Completed. This is only done if the “Set NetSuite Task Status” property in the NetSuite Properties dialog is checked.
3 – If the Microsoft Project task is set for manual scheduling, the constraint type for the task created in NetSuite is automatically set to Fixed Start with the must start on value equal to the start date of the task in Microsoft Project.
4 – Not all Microsoft Project constraint types map directly to NetSuite SRP constraint types. For the best compatibility it is recommended that all Microsoft Project tasks use either “As soon as possible”, “Must start on” or “Must finish by” as a constraint type. Here is how they are mapped:
MSP Constraint | SRP Constraint |
Finish no later than | As soon as possible Finish by date set to MSP Task.ConstraintDate |
Must finish on | |
Must start on | Fixed Start Start date set to MSP Task.ConstraintDate |
As soon as possible | As soon as possible |
As late as possible | |
Start no earlier than | |
Start no later than | |
FinishNoEarlierThan |
5 – Microsoft Project task resources are assigned as NetSuite SRP task assignees if the Resource Allocations feature is not enabled in NetSuite. See below for Assignment mappings.
Custom Task Field Mappings
These custom fields are used when creating or updating project tasks in NetSuite, or they are set when downloading project tasks from NetSuite. The values of these custom fields are set when you set values using the “SRP Project Properties” button in the add-in and should never be modified manually. These text fields are all at the task-level and saved for the project using the “Project Summary Task” (i.e. Task 0 in Microsoft Project).
Microsoft Project Task | NetSuite SRP Project Task |
Text25 | Task ID |
Text20 – Text241 | Various |
1 – If you added any additional task properties to be mapped, those are stored in the custom task fields Text20 – Text24 and mapped to the properties selected by you in the dialog.
Assignee Field Mappings
Microsoft Project task resources are mapped to NetSuite SRP task assignees. When the Resource Allocations feature is not enabled the assignments are created when you upload the project to SRP. When the Resource Allocations feature is enabled, the assignments are created when you upload allocations to SRP.
Microsoft Project Task Assignment | NetSuite SRP Project Task Assignee |
Resource.Text25 | Resource ID |
Assignment.Work / 60, rounded to two decimal places | Estimated Work |
Assignment.Units | Units |
Resource.StandardRate | Unit Cost |
Project.Text20 – Text241 | Service Item |
1 – If you added any additional task properties to be mapped, those are stored in the Microsoft Project field Text20 – Text24 and mapped to the properties selected by you in the dialog. If you chose serviceItem as one of the additional Task properties, the value selected there is mapped as the Service Item when the assignment is created in SRP.
Resource Field Mappings
When performing a Get Resources from NetSuite SRP, the following fields are mapped from the SRP resources to the Microsoft Project resources. The Get Resources function downloads all Employees, Vendors and Generic Resources that are marked as project resources.
NetSuite SRP Resource | Microsoft Project Resource |
First Name | Resource.Name |
Middle Name | |
Last Name | |
Resource.EmailAddress1 | |
Labor Cost | Resource.StandardRate |
InternalId | Resource.Text25 |
Work Calendar | Resource.BaseCalendar |
1 – Generic Resources in SRP do not have email addresses
Resource Allocation Mappings
Resource Allocations are uploaded from Microsoft Project to NetSuite SRP when the Upload Allocations button is pressed. This feature is only enabled when the “Resource Allocations Enabled” checkbox in the NetSuite Properties is checked.
Resource allocations are created based on the Work column in the Resource Usage report in Microsoft Project, in one-week increments. Each one-week increment will be referred to as TSV (time-scale value).
Microsoft Project Task Assignment | NetSuite SRP Project Resource |
Resource.Text25 | Resource ID (internalId) |
Project.Text10 | Project ID (project) |
TSV.StartDate | Start Date (startDate) |
TSV.EndDate | End Date (endDate) |
TSV.Value /601 | Allocation Amount (allocationAmount) |
“Hours” | Allocation Unit (allocationUnit) |
“1” (Hard)2 | Allocation Type (allocationType) |
1 – The time-scale value “value” property is the amount of time allocated to that particular time scale. It is converted into hours prior to uploading into SRP.
2 – All resource allocations are currently uploaded with the Allocation Type set to “Hard”.
Time Entry Mappings
Time entries are referred to as Time Bills in SRP and are downloaded from NetSuite SRP and used to update the Actual Work column in the Resource Usage report in Microsoft Project, in one-day increments. Each one-day increment will be referred to as TSV (time-scale value).
NetSuite SRP Time Entry | NetSuite SRP Project Assignment |
TimeBill.hours * 60 | TSV.Value |